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Come on girls ... Top facts and tips

Come on girls ... Top facts and tips - O my goodness. Could you really reach that special place without so much as touching yourself? Yes, yes,yes!

Bonk boffins this week announced the results of a scientific study that suggests women can reach orgasm just by thinking naughty thoughts.

Come on girls ... orgasm tips
Come on girls ... orgasm tips

The pleasure centres of the brain associated with orgasm light up in women who have sexy images in their minds in exactly the same way as women who orgasm through touching.

So what better excuse to take a more in-depth look at the female orgasm, than this knee-trembling news?

From the number of minutes needed for a bed-shaking experience to the ancient Greek's strange orgasmic theories, read on for some frisky facts and sexpert Susan Quilliam's hand-to-your-man guide on hitting the big O every time.

Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases the chance of conception. The theory: Oxytocin, a hormone released in peak levels during orgasm, causes uterine contractions that coax sperm toward the egg.

Women need about 20 minutes of clitoral or G-spot stimulation to hit orgasm, say experts.

An estimated 24 to 37 percent of women can't climax.

The G-spot orgasm really is different. In 2008, an Italian research team solved the mystery after they found anatomical differences between women who could have G-spot orgasms and women who couldn't and have since been teaching women how to find theirs.

Cognitive behavioural therapy, testosterone treatments, the herb ginkgo biloba, and the nutritional supplement ArginMax (which includes Korean ginseng, ginkgo biloba, vitamins, minerals, and an amino acid) have been shown to improve sexual satisfaction in women.

Orgasms are good for your health. Studies show that orgasm can reduce sensitivity to pain, relieve menstrual cramps, and alleviate stress - possibly due to a surge in oxytocin and dopamine.

From ancient Greece to Freud's time, doctors used orgasms in women to treat the female ailment they called hysteria. In the late 1800s, the vibrator was designed for the same purpose.

O dear ... Marilyn Monroe struggled to get there

It's often suggested that people can't think straight when they have sex on their minds, and a brain scanning study showed that many areas of women's brains were deactivated during orgasm, including those involved in emotion.

Cramps, mood swings and generally feeling sluggish are not the best recipe for a hot night in (not to mention the practicalities of the whole thing) but during our periods could be the best time to really go for it. The reason orgasms are better during this time, is the increase in blood circulation around the groin area.

Marilyn Monroe claimed she never achieved orgasm by any of her famous lovers (John F. Kennedy, Frank Sinatra, Joe DiMaggio).

Many women are capable of multiple orgasms. The most female orgasms recorded by doctors William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian were 134 within a single hour. That is a little over two orgasms per minute.

Orgasms are believed to be an evolutionary function of nature. In 1967, Desmond Morris wrote The Naked Ape. The book looked at the female orgasm, suggesting its purpose was to not only encourage interest in sexual activity, but promote exhaustion to encourage her to remain in the horizontal position (preventing sperm from leaking out). He also suggested women's difficulty in attaining orgasm with men, was in fact a form of natural selection. (
thesun.co.uk )

Other ... !!!


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