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15 Types Of Sex You Have In Your 20s

15 Types Of Sex You Have In Your 20s - When you received that copy of "Oh! The Places You'll Go!" for your college graduation, the well-meaning relative who presented it was probably thinking of your intended career path (or the four others you've tried since) or the cities where you might live. But as many 30-somethings looking back can attest, your 20s often involve experimentation of another variety as well. Between the ages of 20 and 30, your life is probably going to involve a decent amount of sex. And since this is the decade of exploring your options, that sex tends to be anything but uniform.

Here are 15 types of sex that you probably have had (or will have) during your 20-something years:

**Disclaimer: Some of the following can happen simultaneously.**


1. Bad.

Let's be honest. When you're in your 20s, you still aren't necessarily sure exactly what you like, how you like it and who you like it from. In the midst of your sexual experimentation, there are bound to be a few less-than-awesome experiences. Your partner might have absolutely no idea what he or she is doing, or just be too self-involved to care. For an explicit example of said bad sex, see every intimate scene in the pilot episode of "Girls."

2. "You're Convenient" Sex

Location, location, location. Maybe it's the person who you've run into in your apartment building on occasion and shot a (you hope) seductive glance, or that friend of a friend who lives three blocks away and made out with you at that party a few months back. You'll probably phone him or her after midnight and only when you're bored. And you'll hopefully enjoy yourself thoroughly once that call is made. (If the convenient sex also happens to be "just plain bad" sex, it likely won't happen more than once, which brings us to...)

3. One-Night-Stand Sex

Some sexual experiences just aren't meant to be repeated. At some point in your 20s you'll probably find yourself waking up in the bed of a near-stranger: someone you met at a bar or a party or one of your classes. You may not have intended to, or perhaps this was your plan for the evening as soon as you laid eyes on the person. You'll probably open your eyes after a night of moderately enjoyable sex seized with a desperate desire to grab your bra off the floor, high-tail it out the door and eat some brunch with people that you do want to hang out with for more than one night.

4. "I Could Actually Date You" Sex

This type of sex means something emotionally, which might make it the scariest kind of all. You may feel vulnerable and overly aware of your body as you take off your clothing. Since you actually feel some flicker of a feeling about the person you're with, you'll probably take time to think about what they want in bed and how you can give it to them, and worry that you won't do a good job, and hope that chemistry will intervene to make it great anyway, and that even if it isn't they they might find a way to love you regardless.

5. Creatively-Located Sex

The stacks. An airplane bathroom. A hostel hallway. Your parents' bed. A bar. The park. An alley. Your car. The possibilities are endless, and while it's fun to hope that you will still be this adventurous in your 30s, a carpe diem approach is probably advisable here. Also, these are not moments to hold back. Admit that this could also be called "do-it-for-the-story sex," then do it for the story.

6. Drunk Sex

Often combined with #1 and/or #3, this type of sexual experience is usually less than amazing. Great sex usually requires some amount of athleticism, and a bunch of uncoordinated flailing limbs, plus an alcohol-sedated nervous system, does not a mind-blowing orgasm make. On the plus side, you might be too sloshed to notice and/or care ... or even remember it the next morning. If you go in for this sort of thing (and you probably will), just make sure you've made a booze-resistant commitment to using protection before the first tequila shot.

7. Friend Sex

At some point during your 20s, you'll likely reach a point with a previously platonic friend in which you both agree that it's a great idea to sleep together. In most cases, it won't be. (Unless you're those uber-lucky, meant-for-each-other, "When Harry Met Sally" types.) If the sex is great, you'll either become gray area "friends with benefits," or just laugh about it a lot for years to come. If the sex is bad, you'll probably never ever speak of it again.

8. Sex For One

Sex by yourself is a great way to learn what it is you want from a sexual experience with a partner. It's healthy, it relieves stress and hell -- women deserve orgasms in or out of relationships. Hopefully, by the time you leave your 20s you'll know exactly how to make yourself feel good, sans assistance from another person.

9. Nonexistent Sex

There are times -- during any period of your life -- when you're just not having sex at all. Let's be real, we've all had a dry spell. It might be frustrating, but it's also a great time to reflect on what you actually want from your sexual experiences when they inevitably begin again. Plus, just when you've become totally convinced that you will never have another non-self-bestowed orgasm in your life, you'll be proven wrong.

10. Make-Up Sex

If you find yourself in a relationship during your 20-something years, the odds are pretty good that you'll get into some fights -- possibly dramatic ones (your 20s are good for nothing if not theater). You'll get extremely frustrated at your significant other for being inattentive or letting work consume him or her or being a jacka** to your friends. You'll scream at each other, perhaps shed a few tears ... and then channel all of that anger into some really excellent sexual play. It might not actually fix the holes in a romantic relationship between two 23-year-olds, but it is a good way to remind yourself of at least one way in which you connect.

11. Vindication Sex

Everyone has those one, or two, or ten unrequited crushes. At some point during your 20s you'll probably find yourself in the position to sleep with someone who previously rejected you or considered you below their notice. It probably won't be all that great, and you may not feel great morally afterwards. You will, however, leave with the satisfaction that you didn't peak in your teens years.

12. Home-For-The-Holidays Sex

During your 20s, you're likely traveling back to your hometown for the November and December holidays each year. During these awkward -- and delicious -- few weeks, you'll probably run into any number of people from earlier in your life, including one or more ghosts of friends-with-benefits past. You may find it uniquely satisfying to have a short, no-strings-attached fling (or just a night) with said person(s) each time you return. If you're still living in your hometown, you'll get to capitalize on everyone who's in town. There's bound to be quite a bit of overlap between this type of sex and #11.

13. One-More-Time Sex

You've sworn this person off, but for some reason you can't get him or her out of your head. Despite the fact that you and probably all your friends recognize that he or she is terrible for you, you may still fall back into bed with them ... just one more time. This kind of sex can be absolutely fantastic physically, but the emotional fallout usually makes it one you regret (and hopefully learn from).

14. Barter-System Sex

Sometimes you just really want some help putting together your IKEA furniture. And sometimes a little bit of (purely) physical pleasure comes out of a day of Allen key usage. It's really a win-win situation.

15. "Oh, THAT'S What It Should Feel Like" Sex

With any luck, you will have a moment at some point during your 20s (if not earlier), when you realize what truly great sex with another person feels like. Maybe it's taken getting into a committed relationship to feel comfortable telling a partner what you really want sexually, or maybe you're having a one-night-stand with someone who you have no emotional connection to but who somehow really understands how to please you in bed. Regardless, after you do have that "ah-hah!" moment, congratulate yourself. Then go try to recreate it as many times as possible. ( huffingtonpost.com )
READ MORE - 15 Types Of Sex You Have In Your 20s

Eyes right! Army wives stage charge of the lightly dressed brigade... but could fundraising calendar girls be getting over-exposed?

Eyes right! Army wives stage charge of the lightly dressed brigade... but could fundraising calendar girls be getting over-exposed? - There are many ways to show support for the heroism and sacrifices of Britain’s Armed Forces – but this has to be one of the most audacious.

These military wives have chosen to honour their husbands by posing for a series of provocative pictures with little more than a small item of uniform to protect their modesty.

The self-styled Garrison Girls, married to men serving in all three services, have posed for a new nude calendar, all in aid of treating post-traumatic stress for those who have served on the front line.

Miss September: A group of military wives have bared all in a calendar in honour of their husbandsPic shows the DECEMBER image from the 2013 Garrison Girls calendar 
Shock and awe: A group of military wives, including Miss September, left, and Miss December, right, have bared all for a calendar to honour their husbands and raise money for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
You can leave your hat on: Miss April  
You can leave your hat on: Miss August
You can leave your hat on: The calendar, which includes Miss April, left, and Miss August, right, was inspired by the 2003 hit comedy film Calendar Girls 
The women have never modelled before but are pictured exposing their breasts, bottoms and thighs – and in one case, a pregnant wife poses with her husband’s Army helmet tenderly placed on her baby bump, in an echo of Demi Moore’s famous 1991 Vanity Fair cover.

The women’s faces are deliberately hidden so they represent ‘all Forces wives’, according to calendar organiser Sarah Bennett Thurston.

Mrs Thurston, 35, whose husband Paul is in the Royal Signals, admits she was inspired by the original Calendar Girls of the Rylstone Women’s Institute.

‘I wanted to do something positive,’ she said. ‘It all started when I watched a nude photoshoot on a BBC programme about empowering women, and shortly afterwards I had to explain to my children  why my friend’s husband wasn’t coming home.

Pic shows the DECEMBER image from the 2013 Garrison Girls calendar
Cover girl: The women, who have never modelled before, posed with helmets, berets and sailor hats
Cover girl: The women, who have never modelled before, including Miss November, left, and the front cover model, right, posed with helmets, berets and sailor hats

‘It is very hard being a military wife and I wanted to do something to empower the girls. This shows them as they really are, with cellulite and stretch marks, but they all look gorgeous.

‘We have deliberately left out the girls’ faces to show they represent all military wives and we are all in this together.

‘It is about our commitment to the Forces, not about individual women getting their kit off.’

Miss August is a blonde woman kneeling down wearing a sailor’s hat and provocatively revealing her bottom, while Miss February is perched on a table in a fetal position. 

Before and after: Lorna Rogers in the Garrison Girls calendar while pregnantProud mother: Lorna Rogers with her week old baby Austin 
Before and after: Expectant mother Lorna Rogers posed naked for the Garrison Girls calendar, left, shortly before the birth of her son Austin, pictured right at just one week old 

For November, a woman poses in profile with her left breast bared and a red Royal Military Police hat placed carefully on her lap, while January’s model simply reveals her exposed buttocks, topped by an RAF hat.

Lorna Rogers, from Wigan, posed as Miss March when she was five months pregnant with her second child, Austin, who is now a week old.

The 20-year-old, whose husband Adam is a sapper in the Royal Engineers, said: ‘Military life is very hard and being pregnant you feel very vulnerable knowing that your husband could be due to go away on tour next. I wanted to show support by doing the shoot.

‘I was honoured to be asked but nervous at the same time, but the other wives made me feel very comfortable. My husband was chuffed and very proud. He loves the final photo.

Bottoms up: Miss January Miss July toasts servicemen in the armed forces  
Bottoms up: Miss January 2014, left, and Miss July, right, give a toast to the servicemen in the armed forces 

‘Adam and I were high-school sweethearts and I was nervous when he said he was joining the Army but I knew it was something he wanted to do. It’s hard being away from family, but you make great friends.’

The other women who have taken part in the calendar, ranging in age from 19 to 40, want to remain anonymous. Their husbands include bomb disposal experts in the Royal Engineers, communications experts in the Royal Signals and sailors aboard HMS Sutherland.

Mrs Thurston added: ‘Some of the girls did the calendar shoot while their husbands were away in Afghanistan and it was their way of doing something to support them.

Pic shows the DECEMBER image from the 2013 Garrison Girls calendarPic shows the DECEMBER image from the 2013 Garrison Girls calendar 
The Army Wives: The women who took part in the calendar, including Miss January 2013, left, and Miss May, right, wish to remain anonymous 

‘One of the women got her calendar picture sent to her early as her husband came home on leave and we wanted him to approve it too.

‘Another woman has remained in England with her two children while her husband is posted in Germany for two years. It is incredibly hard for them and this was her way of giving something back.’

Garrison Girls have been producing calendars since 2008. The 2013 edition is available from  garrisongirls.com, priced £10.

Miss February: The women's faces have been obscured so they represent 'all Forces wives'Stripping off for the Armed Forces: Miss June
The ladies waiting back home: The women's faces, including Miss February, left, and Miss June, right, have been obscured so they represent 'all Forces wives' ( dailymail.co.uk )
READ MORE - Eyes right! Army wives stage charge of the lightly dressed brigade... but could fundraising calendar girls be getting over-exposed?

Sex scenes in movies

Sex scenes in movies—the non-pornographic ones, that is—tend to exist in a few rigidly defined categories: they can be erotic (the scene in Boogie Nights when Julianne Moore coaches Mark Wahlberg through his first shoot), comically grotesque (Ben Stiller and Greta Gerwig’s excruciating beer-and-cunnilingus date in Greenberg) or deliberately repellant (the bone-chilling coupling of Selma Blair and Robert Wisdom in Storytelling). Sometimes these categories can overlap—Awkward and sexy! Disturbing and hot!—but rarely will a movie step outside their bounds entirely and try something new. Then there is that very rare sex scene—say, Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie in their Venice hotel room in Nicolas Roeg’s Don’t Look Now—that does it all: turns us on, moves us emotionally, advances the story, reveals something about the characters, and showcases the filmmaker’s art.


The encounters between a severely disabled man and a hired sex surrogate in Ben Lewin’s The Sessions (Fox Searchlight) may not achieve Don’t Look Now’s level of cinematic artistry, but this frank, funny, tender film both asks and receives more from its sex scenes than any movie I’ve seen in a long time. Lord knows it gets a chance to thoroughly explore the topic: The Sessions is a movie structured entirely around sex, with naked therapy sessions between Mark O’Brien (John Hawkes) and Cheryl Cohen-Greene (Helen Hunt) making up the bulk of the movie’s slim 98-minute running time. When not having sex, Mark is usually either thinking about sex, writing poems about sex, or having no-holds-barred discussions about sex with his unflappable caregiver (Moon Bloodgood) and his free-thinking priest (a marvelous William H. Macy).

Mark O’Brien was a real person, a Bay Area man who died in 1999 at age 49. After having polio as a child, he spent most of the rest of his life in an iron-lung contraption, unable to move any part of his body but his head. A writer and poet (he typed on a computer keyboard using a mouthstick), O’Brien published a remarkable article in 1990 about setting out to lose his virginity to a professional surrogate at 38, after a lifetime of confusion and shame about his sexuality. It’s this piece that Lewin adapted into his screenplay for The Sessions, taking at least one significant dramatic liberty—in real life, O’Brien didn’t fall in love with the surrogate, nor she with him.

The Sessions is, at one level, a love story about the intimacy that grows between these two very particular people. But it’s also an ode to the act of intimacy itself, an unsentimental celebration of the power of sexual healing. Lewin treats sex neither as titillation nor taboo, but as a necessary anatomical function that’s also humanity’s greatest source of pleasure, connection, and mystery. The Sessions is only R-rated, but it’s not a movie you’d want to see with your parents (there should be a separate scale of MPAA ratings for that). The scenes of Hunt and Hawkes in bed together aren’t graphic, exactly, but they’re unadornedly real—there’s full- frontal female nudity (though no penises, for ratings reasons no doubt), close-ups of ears being kneaded and breasts being stroked, and lots of matter-of-fact, often funny banter between client and therapist about what feels good, what doesn’t, and what to do next.

Hawkes is phenomenal as the nervous, phobic, disarmingly honest Mark; there’s not a trace of self-pity or Oscar-baiting in his performance. (In fact, one of Mark’s more charming characteristics is his willingness to complain, his refusal to play the role of the silently suffering gimp. Explaining his Catholic faith to a new acquaintance, he dryly observes, “I would find it absolutely intolerable not to have anyone to blame for all this.”) Hunt, too, is extraordinary as the outwardly warm and nurturing but inwardly fragile sex therapist who must hide her growing connection to her client from her husband (an underused Adam Arkin). The Sessions will no doubt be marketed as an uplifting drama about triumphing over adversity. See it, instead, because it may be the year’s best movie about getting it on. ( slate.com )
READ MORE - Sex scenes in movies

Ooh La La! Paris's iconic and risque Crazy Horse cabaret lands in London

Ooh La La! Paris's iconic and risque Crazy Horse cabaret lands in London - The iconic Crazy Horse – often referred to as Le Crazy – which has been seducing audiences in Paris and Vegas for over 60 years is for the first time ever staging a production on this side of the Channel.

Forever Crazy is a contemporary  glamorous 'best of' show housed in a pop-up recreation of the Parisian venue – essentially a super-luxe tent – on London's South Bank, for just three months.

The avant-garde revue features a cast of ten dazzling dancers from around the world. 

The Crazy Horse has landed in London and it's sexy, fun and very risque
The Crazy Horse has landed in London and it's sexy, fun and very risque
The girls are a glossy, statuesque fantasy and different from beautiful women you see day to day. 

They are sublime physical clones of one other with pert curves, sharp, muscular definition and arched backs that form perfect semicircles. 

They're classically trained dancers and former ballerinas so the signature Crazy way of walking, dancing and behaving: sexily, elegantly, as if weightless and effortless is something they portray with perfection.

But it's not easy.

Each 90 minute show is exactly the same and consists of 14 sensual segments with a 20 minute interval, which you'll need to catch your breath. 

The girls rotate to dance the solo performances, so each one is signature to all. 

When Forever Crazy invited the FEMAIL team to come down we jumped at the opportunity. 

The girls are a glossy, statuesque fantasy and different from beautiful women you see day to day
The girls are a glossy, statuesque fantasy and different from beautiful women you see day to day
Past guest performers include Carmen Electra, Immodesty Blaize, Dita Von Teese and Pamela Anderson. 

Demi Moore learned the ropes for Striptease by watching the Crazy. This was not one to be missed.

We were first treated to a twist on marching Coldstream Guards in God Save Our Bareskins; an army of snappy and seductive 'guards' in Bareskin outfits consisting of a tall fur hat and not much else. 

Although this act has actually opened every Crazy show for the past 30 years it was also a fitting welcome for a British audience. 

Crazy Horse manager Andrée Deissenberg has since told me this routine was choreographed by a lieutenant of the British Army.

There was a lot of impossibly elegant writhing on furniture in Leçon d¿érotisme, Rougir De Desir and Purple Underground 
There was a lot of impossibly elegant writhing on furniture in Leçon d¿érotisme, Rougir De Desir and Purple Underground
There was a lot of impossibly elegant writhing on furniture in Leçon d’érotisme, Rougir De Desir and Purple Underground
The music was fiery, wild and rocky in Chain Gang where a dancer – the embodiment of a caged feline – bathed in a leopard-print projection cavorts in a makeshift bendy cage: frustrated, dangerous and sexy. 

What followed was a brilliantly kooky leg display in Legmania: like something out of a Robert Palmer video in the 80s six girls lie down, legs in the air and perform a synchronised show with kicks, flicks and bends, bathed in lights, wearing Louboutins of course.

Talented hand dancing guest performers Up & Over It stole the show with their depiction of a dishevelled young couple in a drink and drug-fuelled post-party row played out with no words yet conveying a witty, gritty yet playfully warm narrative.

Thoroughly modern pieces shone among the oldies such as Crisis? What Crisis!
Thoroughly modern pieces shone among the oldies such as Crisis? What Crisis!

What followed was a brilliantly kooky leg display in Legmania
What followed was a brilliantly kooky leg display in Legmania

There was a lot of impossibly elegant writhing on furniture in Leçon d’érotisme, Rougir De Desir and Purple Underground. 

Thoroughly modern pieces shone among the oldies such as Crisis? What Crisis! – depicting a trader engaging in the only striptease from full clothing to nudity, a self-styled antidote to the misery of the financial crisis – and Scanner, a quintet of hair-flipping hotties each taking their turn to cut a rug while a stealthy horizontal light moves up and down the stage.

Critics call the Crazy sexist while their owners prefer 'exotic ballet' and 'sensual striptease'. While unlike traditional burlesque it's more erotic than flirtatious, it follows the rule of suggestion rather than explicitness. Although the girls perform mainly in the nude you won't really see them naked.

They're 'dressed' in stage lights, projections and mirrors, leaving some work to the imagination. 

Unfortunately, though, while they're fiesty and expressive they're mute. The girls mime along to some songs and it would have been nice to hear at least one sing live. It seems the point is not to get to warm to their characters but just to witness them in overt sexual expression.

Nevertheless this didn't take away from an awe-inspiring spectacle. 

The Crazy remains a legendary institution in its own right and the epitome of slick and triple-filtered cabaret interlaced with the world of fashion and art. 

While unlike traditional burlesque it's more erotic than flirtatious
While unlike traditional burlesque it's more erotic than flirtatious

Thousands of girls apply for the roles but only a select few are chosen and sent to boot camp
Thousands of girls apply for the roles but only a select few are chosen and sent to boot camp
The lips sofa in Leçon d’érotisme is inspired by the one masterminded by Crazy fan Salvador Dali. Andy Warhol also frequented the show, as did Madonna, Prince, Jean-Paul Goultier – in whose show the girls have walked, David Lynch – for whom they've modelled, Steven Spielberg and many more, including President Kennedy.

Thousands of girls audition each year for just a handful of spots in the Crazy Horse troupe.
The successful candidates must be beautiful and meet strict height, wight and measurement criteria. They're sent to a Parisian boot camp for several months to learn the art of how to be a Crazy Girl, their names are changed. 

They must have next to no tattoos or plastic surgery (guest perfromers are an exception).
It's this rigour and refinement that separates the Crazy from the dribbly Playboy or its jiggly neighbour, the Moulin Rouge. It's as much a cool celebration of high-production as it is of an ideal of femininity. ( dailymail.co.uk )

The Crazy Horse presents Forever Crazy at 99 Upper Ground, South Bank SE1. Sept 18-Dec 22. forevercrazy.co.uk
READ MORE - Ooh La La! Paris's iconic and risque Crazy Horse cabaret lands in London

Kim Kardashian denies having threesome with porn stars at swingers' party

Denial: Kim has denied taking part in a threesome when she was 20
Denial: Kim has denied taking part in a threesome when she was 20

'Absurd and not true': Kim Kardashian denies having threesome with porn stars at swingers' party - Kim Kardashian's camp have refuted claims the reality star had a threesome with a male and female porn star 12 years ago.

Veteran porn actor Julian St. Jox says he shared a night of passion with the reality star when she was 20 years old back in September 2001 at a swingers' party.

And he claimed Kim, 31, also romped with his date of the evening - a female porn star called Emily Ann.

Kim is said to have arrived to the event on the arm of a black male, according to Star magazine.

At the time she was married to music producer Damon Thomas, although the publication says it is not clear if he was her date to the party.

St Jox said: 'As soon as Kim walked in, everyone was looking. She wasn’t known at the time at all, not like today, but for everyone who frequented these parties, she was interesting because she was a new face.'

The porn star said his date - Emily Ann - took a liking to Kim and propositioned her.

After some dirty dancing, Kim and her date joined the two porn stars in a private room later in the evening, the magazine claims.

There, Kim apparently had sex with both St Jox and Ann, the publication reports.

Claims: Veteran porn actor Julian St. Jox says Kim had sex with him and a fellow female porn star
Claims: Veteran porn actor Julian St. Jox says Kim had sex with him and a fellow female porn star

'She knew what she was doing. She was very responsive to me', St. Jox recalled.

However a representative for Kim told MailOnline the report is 'absurd and not true'.

Kim rose to fame after a sex tape of her and then-boyfriend Ray-J - filmed in 2003 - was leaked online in 2007. ( dailymail.co.uk )
READ MORE - Kim Kardashian denies having threesome with porn stars at swingers' party

Lady Gaga the exhibitionist flashes her bare breasts in home video posted on YouTube

Lady Gaga the exhibitionist flashes her bare breasts in home video posted on YouTube - She has often posed nude and happily sports revealing costumes for her stage performances so Lady Gaga is no stranger to stripping off.

But while she usually has strategically placed items to protect her modesty the singer has now instead decided to bare all in a home video.

The 26-year-old shared a video on YouTube with her fans which was made up of footage from her home collection.

Scroll down to watch the video

Baring all: Lady Gaga posted a home video to Youtube in which she can be seen flashing her bare breasts

Baring all: Lady Gaga posted a home video to Youtube in which she can be seen flashing her bare breasts

And one video sees Gaga repeatedly flashing her bare breasts as she dances around her living room for the camera.

Gaga, real name Stefani Germanotta, explains that the clip was shot on Christmas Day by her younger sister Natali.

It sees the superstar lip-synching and pulling shapes to her song Sheisse before lifting up her baggy black top to reveal she is wearing nothing underneath.

Laid-back: The singer reveals all as she dances around her living room on Christmas Day

Laid-back: The singer reveals all as she dances around her living room on Christmas Day

Let me entertain you: Gaga can be seen flashing her breasts several times as part of her impromptu dance routine

Let me entertain you: Gaga can be seen flashing her breasts several times as part of her impromptu dance routine

Natali can be heard laughing in the background as fans get a rare insight into the star’s laid-back family life.

Her mother Cynthia then emerges from the kitchen and joins her famous daughter for a spot of dancing before handing her a lit up miniature Christmas tree.

Gaga looks less like a megastar and more like an aspiring pop star as she uses the prop as though it were a microphone in her casual outfit, with her platinum blonde locks in a messy high ponytail.

The revealing footage was just one of three home videos Gaga shared with her fans via her Youtube channel.

Christmas with the Gagas: The star is dancing to her song Sheisse and is then joined by her mother Cynthia (R)

Christmas with the Gagas: The star is dancing to her song Sheisse and is then joined by her mother Cynthia (R)

Down to earth: Gaga can be seen lip-synching into a lit up miniature Christmas tree which she pretends is a microphone

Down to earth: Gaga can be seen lip-synching into a lit up miniature Christmas tree which she pretends is a microphone

In another clip she can be seen spending time with her young cousin Zachary and a third and final sees her rehearsing the choreography for a performance.

Each clip is interspersed with segments of a make-up free Gaga talking to the camera as she explains the story behind each of the videos.

The star, who is currently in Latvia, has been showing off a new look lately after dying her hair what she describes as ‘Louis Vuitton brown’: brunette with a blonde streak.

Gaga most recently posed nude in the advert for her new fragrance Fame, where she can be seen lying naked save for a few ‘tiny men’ crawling over her.

Fun with fans: The star shares three home videos with her 'little monsters' as a treat on her Youtube channelFun with fans: The star shares three home videos with her 'little monsters' as a treat on her Youtube channel
Fun with fans: The star shares three home videos with her 'little monsters' as a treat on her Youtube channel

How cute: Another clip sees Gaga cuddling up to her young cousin Zachary

How cute: Another clip sees Gaga cuddling up to her young cousin Zachary ( dailymail.co.uk )

READ MORE - Lady Gaga the exhibitionist flashes her bare breasts in home video posted on YouTube

Prince Harry Naked Photos During Vegas Rager exclusive

Prince Harry Naked in Las Vegas.

Prince Harry Partying Nude in Las Vegas.

Prince Harry put the crown jewels on display in Vegas this weekend ... getting BARE ASS NAKED during a game of strip billiards with a room full of friends in his VIP suite.
It all went down Friday night during a raging party in a high rollers hotel suite.

We're told Harry, along with a large entourage, went down to the hotel bar and met a bunch of hot chicks ... and invited them up to his VIP suite.

Once in the room, things got WILD ... with the group playing a game of strip pool that quickly escalated into full-on royal nudity.

Prince Harry
Some of the partiers snapped photos of the madness. In one photo, a fully nude Harry cups his genitals while a seemingly topless woman stands behind him.

In another photo, a naked Harry is bear-hugging a woman who appears to be completely naked as well.

No word on who the women are ... or if they got Harry's phone number.

A rep for the Royal Family tells us, "We have no comment to make on the photos at this time." (
tmz.com )
READ MORE - Prince Harry Naked Photos During Vegas Rager exclusive